Two Column Layout And Vertical Menu Tutorial
Add HTML Containers CSS Selectors for Layout
Lesson 3

Two Column Layout And Vertical Menu Tutorial
Add HTML Containers CSS Selectors for Layout
Lesson 3


This lesson adds a div elements to contain the major sections of the webpage. This includes the menu, the page header, the page content and a footer section.

The sections are children of the #wrapper div element. Children HTML elements inherit their parent element’s background-color property. Not all properties are inherited. For example the border property.

All the sections appear collapsed for the reason they contain on a short line of content. They expand in height as you add content in the upcoming lessons.

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Exercise Steps

Step 1: In the index.html file in your practice folder add lines 10-23, then save.

HTML Source Code

This is the index.html file.

Each section’s div element has an id attribute to identify it specifically for the CSS file.

Step 2: In the site.css file in your practice folder add lines 9-18, then save.

CSS Source Code

This is the site.css file.

The new selectors do not have properties. You add them in upcoming lessons.