Two Column Layout Vertical Menu Tutorial
Enable Internet Explorer for HTML5 Elements
Section 1 Lesson 3

Two Column Layout Vertical Menu Tutorial
Enable Internet Explorer for HTML5 Elements
Section 1 Lesson 3


Internet Explorer version 8 and earlier had little to no support for HTML5 semantic elements such as header, footer, section, nav, article and aside. Javascript is used to add that support. There is a common Javascript library you can use called the HTML5 Shiv and is managed by Alexander Farkas.

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Add IE HTML5 Conditional Comment.

In your practice folder’s index.html file insert lines 5,6 and 7, then save.

The difference in Internet Explorer in the evolution of web browsers to the need to include code that other web browsers already had built-in. To add that code without causing problems in other web browsers a commenting workaround was added to Internet Explorer.

This involves using the head section of the web browser and HTML comments containing a special conditional code. More information on using see: