CSS Reset Guide

CSS Reset Guide


Web browsers often provide their own default styling. Unfortunately these can be different. So the same web page may have different page margins for example. To help eliminate these differences and prevent unexpected results when a new version of a web browser appears on the market, there are CSS resets that you can use. You load these before your CSS. They provide a base you can count upon.

Some of these CSS reset and normalize style sheets are included in more sophisticated frameworks.

You can forego using a CSS reset or normalize style sheet and handle the cross browser styling issue yourself. Keep in mind these issues now extend to portable devices such as smart phone, tablets and who knows what devices in the future.

Normalize.css. This looks at the reset as standardizing a lot of the web browser default CSS property presets and providing other CSS property reset. It’s a modern, HTML5-ready, alternative to the traditional CSS reset. A good article on the benefits of using normalize.css is About normalize.css written on 2/28/2013.

Meyer CSS Reset. This looks at reset as removing all styling and starting from scratch. So there are no margins, no padding and so on.

HTML5 Reset is a simple set of best practices to get web projects off on the right foot. It includes a folder structure representing an embryo of a web site.

HTML5 Boilerplate helps you build fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. Kick-start your project with the combined knowledge and effort of 100s of developers, all in one little package. This is popular among professionals and is certainly a popular interview question. Includes Normalize.css.

CSS reset script lists. Most popular CSS Reset scripts, all in one place.