Education Projects

Web Master Seminar Presenter Courseware Developer New Jersey Institute Of Technology

Web Master Seminar Presenter

NJIT, New Jersey Institute Of Technology, sent out a recruiter looking for an Instructor that could pull together the highly popular Web Master Certification program. They found that instructor running self-developed like courses at a local community college, Raritan Valley Community College. Lon quickly became the popular instructor in the program both on-line and in live classrooms. His command of the written language and general communication skills proved essential to the success. NJIT requested Lon to develop additional course for the program and was often called in for special clients. Lon became the Web Master´s Mentor.

Web Master Courseware Developer

NJIT´ Web Master´ Program expanded from core courses to include specialized advanced topics. Lon participated in the application of the core course materials and from his analysis and feedback was choosen to develop the Java programming courseware. The Java courseware was designed to work in both online and live seminar programs. The courseware included realistic business software applications. To handle the difficult problem of presenting such detailed and comprehensive examples, Lon pioneered with “incremental exercises;”. These exercises showed a complicated Java programming solution in sequential exercises that highlighted the changes. The changes in the software was linked to the incremental topics presented.

Education Projects

Advanced New Technology Seminar Presenter Raritan Valley Community College Corporate and Professional Services

Flagship computer courses In 1986, Raritan Valley (then Somerset County Community College) received a grant for an ATT 6300 computer lab — their first IBM compatible lab. I was asked to develop the core courses and to teach them for the community. One course, Lotus 1-2-3 was offered for 8 years and was responsible for many resident´s improviding their career opportunities.

Lon developed the curriculum for the first program for the business community when their Att 6300 lab opened in 1986. The courses included Introduction to the PC, Lotus 1-2-3, Wordstar, and dBase. Through the years Lon developed courses including Paradox, multimedia, desktop publishing, computer consulting, memory and hard disk management, and DOS batch file programming. Lon also conducted courses on Access, Windows, Excel and Business on the Internet.

Before Raritan had any multimedia computer facilities, Lon designed a multimedia survey course and and “information highway” course. Lon would cart his own computer equipment possessing the latest multimedia technology to each class and return it back at the end.

More recently Lon guided the department into the Web curriculum. Lon has designed and delivers courses on HTML, Javascript, CSS, Flash, Dreamweaver, PHP, Active Server Pages, Databases on the Web, Web Design and Visual Basic Script.

Lon planned for the Fall 2005 courses in eLearning in an effort to keep that department in the forefront of the information technology needs of the community.

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